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绿叶公司规模猪场VIP活动专区 135高效保健养猪技术


2016-08-02 08:29:08来源:网络作者:浏览:次 分享:

瓦赫宁根大学研究中心的PPS Feed4Foodure 团队在史特克塞尔猪创新中心公布一项成果,哺乳期怀孕的母猪,在6周的哺乳期内饲喂水平必须提高。为了降低体重损失,高淀粉日粮更优于高脂肪日粮。与正常饲喂水平(2.8 kg/d)相比,断奶至妊娠第34天的高饲喂水平(3.5 kg/d)的母猪体况恢复地更好。



与高脂肪日粮相比,高淀粉日粮降低了母猪42天哺乳期最后8天的体重损失(9 versus 13 kg)。断奶(授精后第9天)至妊娠第34天高饲喂水平的母猪,断奶至转移至分娩栏时的体增重提高(67.8 versus 59.0 kg)。哺乳期的日粮组成及妊娠期的饲喂水平对下一胎产活仔、死胎数均没有影响。


  Starch rich lactation diet improves recovery of lactating sows that are pregnant

  Published on

  June 21, 2016

  Sows that are both gestating and lactating during a 6-week lactation period should be fed on a high feeding level. To reduce the loss of body weight, a starch rich diet is preferred over a fat rich diet. A high feeding level (3.5 kg/d) after weaning until day 34 of gestation results in a better condition recovery of the sows than a standard feeding level (2.8 kg/d)。 This was shown in research that was conducted within the PPS Feed4Foodure by Wageningen UR on Swine Innovation Centre Sterksel.

  There is little information about the feeding of sows that are both gestating and lactating during an extended lactation. Therefore, at Swine Innovation Centre Sterksel, the effect of feeding sows that are both gestating and lactating a starch rich or a fat rich lactation diet during the last 8 days of a 6-week lactation on weight and backfat thickness, performance of the piglets and the number of live born and stillborn piglets in the next parity were studied. In addition, the effect of feeding level from weaning (about 9 days after insemination) until day 34 of gestation on weight and backfat thickness and the number of live born and stillborn piglets in the next parity was studied.

  On day 27 of lactation intermittent suckling started to induce lactational oestrus. During a period of 7 days, sows and piglets were separated for 10 hours per day. 77% of the sows showed oestrus within 6 days after the start of intermittent suckling and were inseminated. After insemination, intermittent suckling was no longer applied and sows remained with their piglets till weaning on day 42 after farrowing. From day 34 until day 42 sows were fed a starch rich or a fat rich diet lactation diet. From weaning (about 9 days after insemination) until day 34 of gestation sows were fed 2.8 kg/d (standard feeding level) or 3.5 kg/d (high feeding level) of a commercial gestation diet.

  Weight loss (9 versus 13 kg) during the last 8 days of the 6-week lactation tended to be lower in the sows that were fed the starch rich diet. Body weight gain from weaning until the day of transfer to the farrowing room was higher in sows that were fed the high feeding level until day 34 of gestation (67.8 versus 59.0 kg)。 The number of live born and stillborn piglets was not affected by feed composition during lactation or by feeding level during gestation.


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